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How Long Can You Freeze Nacho Cheese Sauce

Sauces & Condiments

Can You Freeze Cheese Sauce?

Can You Freeze Cheese Sauce?

Cheese sauce is both delicious and versatile and can be used as part of a multitude of dishes. Can you freeze cheese sauce on it's own or as part of another dish? Read on to find out.

What Is Cheese Sauce?

Typically cheese sauce starts life as a béchamel or 'white sauce' which is made by making a roux from butter and flour and slowly adding milk until thickened. With a cheese sauce, you simply add cheese at the end of this process.

Cheese sauce often makes up part of another dish, such as macaroni cheese, veggie crumble or cauliflower cheese. Some people also prefer to use a cheese sauce for their Lasagna rather than white sauce. It can also make a simple base for lots of different pasta dishes.

Can You Freeze Cheese Sauce?

Yes, you absolutely can freeze cheese sauce. Cheese sauce is actually perfect for making in big batches and then freezing in smaller portions so you have a homemade sauce ready to go when you don't have time to make it.

You can also freeze leftover cheese sauce you might have from making another dish.

The majority of dishes that contain cheese sauce as the basis for the dish can be frozen too. Personally I'm not a fan of freezing pasta as it goes too mushy for my taste, but it can be frozen and will taste fine flavour wise. As long as none of the ingredients in the dish have been previously frozen (excluding frozen veggies) then it should be fine to freeze.

Can You Freeze Nacho Cheese Sauce

Nacho cheese sauce can be frozen and is one of my absolute favourite things to make ahead and freeze for easy Saturday night nachos in front of the telly!

How To Freeze Cheese Sauce

Freezing cheese sauce is really simple, just follow the steps below. Of course these steps can also be used to freeze béchamel sauce too. Freeze the cheese sauce as soon as you can after making it, although it should be fine to freeze if it's been in the fridge for a couple of days.

  • Before freezing, make sure the cheese sauce has completely cooled down.
  • Place into a freezer container or Ziploc bag. I like to freeze in smaller portions as it defrosts quicker and I can just take out what I need.
  • Allow around half an inch of space around the top of the container as the sauce will expand as it freezes.
  • Label and date your sauce so you can easily see what it is and when to use it up.
  • Cheese sauce will keep for around six months in the freezer.

How To Defrost Cheese Sauce

Cheese sauce should be defrosted in the fridge overnight for best results.

Smaller portions could also be defrosted in the microwave on the defrost setting. Stir often to avoid hotspots.

How To Reheat Cheese Sauce

Once defrosted cheese sauce can be reheated either on the stove in a pan or in the microwave.

To reheat cheese sauce on the stove, pour into a pan and heat on a medium to low setting. Stir the sauce often. If it the sauce has separated a little after thawing then this should help bring it back together. If the sauce is a little on the thick side add a couple of tablespoons of milk or water until you are happy with the consistency.

To reheat cheese sauce in the microwave heat on a medium setting for one to two minutes at a time, stirring in between.

With both of these methods, always ensure the cheese sauce is piping hot all the way through before serving.

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