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How to get player heads in 1.13 pre 6 snapshot?

  • #1 Jul 6, 2018

    I was wondering onto if anyone knew how to get a player, youtuber, or custom head in this version of minecraft. I just dont know the code for it and was hoping that someone could help me out.

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  • #2 Jul 6, 2018

    the basic command for that is /give @p minecraft:skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:<username>} but I think you could leave out the @p and of course where it says username there is where you type the player's Minecraft username

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  • #3 Jul 6, 2018

    unfortunetly i know for a fact that, that command does not work in 1.13. trust me i tried that. you cant do minecraft:skull which makes that command null and void.


    • Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 6.12.07 PM

      Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 6.12.07 PM

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  • #4 Jul 7, 2018

    Data values have been removed, so player heads are now just player_head instead of skull 3, and data tags for items in commands are now put directly after the item ID, so you'd want something like this:

    /give @p minecraft:player_head{SkullOwner:<username>}

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  • #5 Jul 7, 2018

    Ah ha. it works. thank you Crafty Kids.

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  • #6 Jan 7, 2019

    The command doesn't work anymore as you can't give yourself heads anymore I went into the chat and typed /give @s player_head and nothing popped up on the recommended bar thing and typing head didn't show anything either

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  • #7 Jan 8, 2019

    The command doesn't work anymore as you can't give yourself heads anymore I went into the chat and typed /give @s player_head and nothing popped up on the recommended bar thing and typing head didn't show anything either

    You can definitely still give yourself heads in 1.13.2 with that command. Not sure what you're doing wrong but when I type /give @s pl the game recommends minecraft:player_head as the only option. When I fill in the nbt for myself as the owner, making the command /give @s minecraft:player_head{SkullOwner:"InfiniteCorners"} , and press enter I am given one of my own head. What command are you typing?

    Edit: Tested and the command still works as expected in 18w50a

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  • #8 Mar 5, 2019

    This command still does not work for me or any other variation of playerhead or skull. Any suggestions?


    • 2019-03-05_22.58.12


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  • #9 Mar 5, 2019

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    WARNING: I have an extemely "grindy" playstyle; YMMV — if this doesn't seem fun to you, mine what you can from it & bin the rest.

  • #10 Mar 6, 2019

    That looks like SMP with Essentials which means essentials:give is probably overriding the minecraft:give command. Use the exact same command only preface it with minecraft: so it looks like

    /minecraft:give @s minecraft:player_head{SkullOwner:"InfiniteCorners"}

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  • #11 May 27, 2019

    Dose it work for pocket edition

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  • #12 Aug 10, 2019

    No, Bedrock edition (mcpe) doesn't support using NBT(aka whatever is in the curly brackets {} ) in commands.

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