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Don't Want to Leave Baby With Mother in Law


Elaine E(116)

05/03/2019 at 11:30 pm

My babe girl is vii months erstwhile and I am  anxious to get out her in full general, but can manage information technology for a little while with my partner and with my own parents. The thought of leaving her with my in laws though makes me feel incredibly anxious and worried. I just feel as though they won't be able to take intendance of her and something will happen. They've never looked after her without me or my partner being in that location too. I go back to work in three months and before she was built-in it was agreed my MIL would have her one twenty-four hours a week, she's never has her for fifty-fifty an hour lonely then I don't know how we are going to become to that betoken. In that location have been things that accept added to my anxiety... there was ane occasion when we were away for a weekend with them and she was pushing the pram, luckily the babe wasn't in information technology and was being carried at the time. She stopped at the top of a slope to take a photo and let the pram become... it went down the slope and i take never moved so fast to catch it!! Thank god she wasnt in it. My daughter also has a dairy allergy and then as I am breastfeeding I have given up dairy. They deceit see to go their heads effectually this despite being told so many times and continue saying things about me being "gluton free"... I am not gluton free only dairy! I am worried they will requite my daughter dairy accidentally! I just experience sick at the thought of leaving her with with them and I need to become past it. My brother in law just had a infant too and they have already baby sat several times (in his 4 week life... which to me is completely mental but that's another story!) So i experience like I am being far likewise over protective and they are conspicuously capable.. what's wrong with me?! I also take to leave her for a nighttime in 2 weeks to go to Amsterdam for a close friend's hen do, my partner will take her and his mum will stay over. The baby sleeps terribly and I am and so worried near how they volition cope in the night as it's always me who settles her and she usually sleeps with me later the first few hours of the night or she won't settle.

ALEX S(356)

Alex S(356)

05/03/2019 at 11:59 pm

I can understand I think even if those things hadn't happened it's often easier to feel more comfortable with your own family than the in laws. I would have the next few months to slowly showtime leaving babe with her more often and maybe leave written instructions as to what the baby can and tin't have. X



06/03/2019 at 7:xvi am

My LG is now 18 months and I'm notwithstanding exactly the same lol in laws take never looked later her every bit when I encounter my girl around them shes very shy and doesnt like to be picked upwards past them, and I worry shes going to scream for mummy if they were to expect after her, they're also both retired and I worry they wouldn't be able to handle her. So I can't say information technology gets any easier lol I keep telling myself one time she gets older and can talk properly and tell them what she wants then I probably wont mind it equally much x

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CLARE T(489)

Clare T(489)

06/03/2019 at 7:23 am

Pitiful but yous need to go over this. It isn't off-white to permit your parents look after her and not your in laws. They are her grandparents every bit much equally your parents are. They will never build a bail with her if you don't allow them to. You're non giving them a fair chance. Nosotros all brand mistakes, Iv let my empty push a chair go earlier. As for dairy free, Iv been there. Four breastfed a dairy free baby. You tin can't look everyone to get it, it'due south new territory for a lot of older people who have never dealt with allergies. I understand the frustration about gluten, I become it all the time in restaurants with my son merely I'k afraid yous need to get used to educating people as you will be doing it your whole life if your baby remains allergic to dairy. Write down what your babe cannot eat. Exist very explicit nearly it. Spend fourth dimension with them showing how to check packets. I'm sure they volition exist quite happy to learn if yous give them the opportunity. My mil has my son while I'one thousand a work one twenty-four hour period a week. I was nervous nigh information technology at outset, and she doesn't do things how I would, but he adores her. And he has the aforementioned relationship with all his grandparents which is actually important and lovely to see.

Just to add together I don't particularly like my mil.. but information technology's nothing to do with it!!!

JANE K(351)

Jane K(351)

06/03/2019 at eight:58 am

Hi there I really sympathize I was exactly the same with my inlaws and thankfully I didn't have to go back to piece of work. My inlaws are lovely but MIL has a habit of thinking she knows best and this was difficult every bit communication has inverse radically since she raised her 2 boys and she ever wanted to ignore it Eastward.g tried to put DD to sleep on her side and requite her honey to name a couple! If I were y'all I'd write upwards a large crib sheet of instructions to requite to all your family members who are likely to accept LO and then you are non simply aiming at inlaws - you tin can include all modern safety advice like no honey under 1 twelvemonth, grapes being halved lengthwise etc. and a listing of foods that LO tin can't eat because of dairy allergy. You tin can also include nap times, md name and number and emergency contacts etc. Only be clear and up front about things that are of import to y'all and know that it volition go better with time as your LO gets older x

GAYLE (35)

Gayle (35)

06/03/2019 at 9:38 am

Y'all need to remember that your mil brought upward her own children and obviously her son, your oh , has turned out pretty well or you wouldn't be with him.

You only demand to exit a list of do's and dont's  and peradventure have a few trial days before you go back to work where you get out your little i with her for longer and longer.

New parent?

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Elaine E(116)

06/03/2019 at 11:40 am

Thanks everyone.

I'm quite aware information technology is something I demand to get over Clare, hence the post. Merely my experiences take just made me nervous, nosotros all exercise giddy things at times but letting a pram become down a hill is something else - she'southward lxx years onetime and has asthma, she couldn't have made it fast plenty to catch it then if I wasn't there and the baby was in it.. well you get me! And every bit for the dairy, when they start to await after her I will make certain me and my partner go through everything but it'southward still a concern when they take been told practise many times already that information technology'due south dairy but withal go on most gluton. My own Mum has understood straight abroad and has been and then conscientious with annihilation she has given me so it's simply frustrating. I want her to have a close human relationship him with them and I already make sure she sees them every week at to the lowest degree once and spends the twenty-four hour period with them (We alive a good 40 mins away so I can't do much more than that). We are simply there with them also. But you lot're right in that i exercise want her to beloved them as much as she does mine. I'k going to force myself to leave her for an hour or 2 with them soon and build up from there..

SARAH H(1260)

Sarah H(1260)

06/03/2019 at 12:33 pm

In answer to

Elaine E(116)

Cheers everyone.

I'm quite aware it is something I demand to get over Clare, hence the mail. But my experiences take simply made me nervous, nosotros all practice silly things at times just letting a pram go down a colina is something else - she's 70 years old and has asthma, she couldn't have made it fast plenty to catch it so if I wasn't there and the baby was in it.. well you get me! And every bit for the dairy, when they start to look afterwards her I will make certain me and my partner go through everything but it'south yet a concern when they have been told practise many times already that it'south dairy but still get on almost gluton. My own Mum has understood straight away and has been so careful with annihilation she has given me and so it's only frustrating. I want her to have a shut relationship him with them and I already make sure she sees them every calendar week at least one time and spends the day with them (We live a skilful 40 mins away so I tin can't do much more than that). We are simply there with them too. But you're right in that i exercise want her to love them as much as she does mine. I'chiliad going to force myself to leave her for an hour or 2 with them before long and build up from there..

Hi Corinne

I would suggest starting off with some shorter stays and seeing how those go get-go.  I don't incertitude it is frustrating to have to explain the same thing over and over once again, especially when others seem to understand exactly what y'all are proverb the first fourth dimension you said it...  Every bit has been suggested, I think you are going to have to write down exactly what yous hateful with regard to dairy-free and what foods are OK and what aren't.  It could be that they genuinely think that gluten-free and dairy-free are one and the same thing which is why they keep proverb it to yous...  If, however, it turns out that despite your best efforts they really cannot go their heads around this, then y'all may have to recall once again.

I think that the Amsterdam trip you mentioned volition be a very good opportunity for your partner and his mother to run into how things get.

Best wishes.


Lauren C(590)

06/03/2019 at 12:49 pm

Zip that you take said almost your MIL is concerning at all. I don't think she would have let the pram continue the top of a colina with a baby within. But tbh even if she did we ALL do piffling things that are airheaded in hindsight and recollect 'why did I practise that?!'. I let my petty girl play with my Amazon Television remote considering I assumed it was harmless, didn't actually thing if she turned the motion-picture show off and she lent back and banged it against her mouth and I felt like the worst mum ever. She shouldn't be getting injure by things that aren't baby toys. But I'm sure other people take done worse.

Did you lot OH have a happy childhood? Honey his parents and take no concerns himself near leaving LO with them?

Tin can you leave your LO with her for a morning time to help you become used to it?

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CLARE T(489)

Clare T(489)

06/03/2019 at 12:58 pm

Sorry I know it was blunt but I see loads of posts like this and they're nearly always well-nigh in laws. Its not her issue, information technology's yours was what i was saying. Pack her a lunch for when she'southward with them. Your mum may have understood dairy costless the kickoff fourth dimension you said it, simply like I said nigh people I have come across, of all ages, friends, other mums at groups exercise not get it. I ever make sure food is provided for my son when he'southward with his grandparents and then they don't accept to worry about it. They all understand it well now after two years just like I said, y'all're going to spend a lot of fourth dimension educating people on allergies.. I notwithstanding take to do information technology now. Leave your infant with them for a few hours and start at present. Otherwise it will be hard for everyone when you become back to work


Elaine Eastward(116)

06/03/2019 at 1:47 pm

Yes I've said to my partner that we will leave her with them and go for luncheon shortly, i know I accept to go over my anxiety and hopefully I will relax a bit later that. I'm not convinced she wouldnt have allow the pram become if the infant was in information technology though!! Because she obviously didn't mean to or expect it to gyre downward the hill even if the baby wasn't in information technology! X


Carena M(2)

06/03/2019 at 2:06 pm

In answer to

Elaine E(116)

Yep I've said to my partner that we will get out her with them and go for lunch soon, i know I have to get over my anxiety and hopefully I volition relax a bit after that. I'k not convinced she wouldnt have permit the pram go if the babe was in it though!! Because she obviously didn't mean to or expect information technology to gyre downward the hill fifty-fifty if the infant wasn't in information technology! X

I think that'southward nonsense. If she knew the babe was in the pram I'm sure she'd have held on to it.


Elaine East(116)

06/03/2019 at three:19 pm

I think that's nonsense. If she knew the infant was in the pram I'm sure she'd take held on to information technology.

Thanks but it'southward not nonsense at all. I watched information technology happen. She wasn't thinking. As much every bit i like to think she would have been more aware, why would yous stop at the top of a hill and let an expensive pram roll downwards with lots of people and children around? With or without a baby in it. Anyway I am not here to argue or labour that point, I'm not angry with her just worried. I suffer with anxiety anyway as information technology is, so leaving my infant with people i dont accept 99.9% faith in is a trigger.

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Lauren C(590)

06/03/2019 at five:54 pm

In respond to

Elaine East(116)

Cheers but it's not nonsense at all. I watched it happen. She wasn't thinking. As much equally i like to think she would accept been more enlightened, why would you terminate at the top of a hill and allow an expensive pram whorl downwards with lots of people and children effectually? With or without a infant in information technology. Anyway I am not here to contend or labour that point, I'm not angry with her just worried. I endure with anxiety anyway every bit it is, and so leaving my baby with people i dont accept 99.9% faith in is a trigger.

I understand your anxiety complelty. Giving someone else your kid is similar taking out your centre and putting it in someone else's hands. For someone who hasn't done this at all (other than with their own partner and parents) you are going to exist very worried and concerned until you get used to information technology.

Simply you have to remind yourself of a time where you didn't think once. Would you similar it if someone said they tin't trust you with their child for that one, featherbrained, innocent human action? Information technology doesn't ascertain you equally a mother. It but means you are human.

I am sure your MIL will practise everything she can for your baby. I am sure she loves them dearly and she is probably and then excited to accept them for a twenty-four hour period. Your kid deserves a good relationship with their grandma and not always take mum hovering in the background incase she buys a milkshake. Talk to your MIL about your feet and I am sure she will put your listen to residuum. Talk tin can be such a good cure.

ANNIE M(131)

Annie M(131)

06/03/2019 at 6:39 pm

When I was planning on going dorsum to work I spent the terminal 3 months building upwards to leaving my DS with my mother in law and she loved it. I started with an hour or so, leaving him there when I went for shopping then gradually congenital it up until it was a mean solar day a week. It was the best thing for all of the states. He loves going to grans at present and information technology's skilful to know if at that place's ever an emergency and he has to go there so everyone is happy and settled. Its good for anybody involved. Adept luck and attempt not to worry. Just write a listing of foods your little 1 isn't allowed and put it on her refrigerator

Don't Want to Leave Baby With Mother in Law
