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When Can I Take Baby Out of the House

Intermediate (Lesson vi)

{loadposition id_mod}


Respond the following questions.

  1. When did y'all last go to the cinema?
  2. Are visits to the movie theatre popular among your friends or they prefer watching movies on-line?
  3. What is your favorite actor/actress?

Grammar Revision.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

A funny thing happened to me the other 24-hour interval. I (to be) in a hurry to go to work and I found that my motorcar wasn't working. I (to accept to) blitz out of the house to grab the coach. While I (to walk) along the street, I  (to discover) a adult female of about my age on the opposite side of the road. I looked at her again and I  (to realize) that we  (to encounter) before. She arrived at the passenger vehicle stop a couple of seconds after me. 'She must be catching the autobus too.' I thought. We  just  (to miss) the previous bus and we had fifteen minutes to wait earlier the next 1. I looked at the woman behind me once more and I was sure that I  (to know) her. 'Excuse me, take we met before? I'm sure that (to recognize) y'all,' I said. She looked a scrap surprised, just she   (to tell) me that her name was Angela Barker. 'You  (to written report) history at Liverpool University' I shouted, from 1985 to 1988!' 'That's right!' she replied, 'And you're Claire…?' 'Lewis. Well, my name was Lewis just I  (to be) married now. What  (to do) nowadays?' I asked. 'Well, I  (to piece of work) in the Central Museum in boondocks and I  (to live) in this area.' 'You're joking! I live round the corner from at that place. I  (not to believe) it! We  (to be) neighbours for three years and we   never (to see) each other!' I said. 'I know, it's incredible!' she (to concord), 'And I'1000 glad that you spoke to me because I wondered why you lot (to wait) at me all the fourth dimension!'

Do yous think it is a existent life story? Have you ever had the same situation?

Listening. Listen to the song. Complete it with the suggested words. What does 'Ka-ching' mean?


afford blowbroke credit card earn
   greedy loan mall mortgage spend

Nosotros live in a little world
That teaches every picayune male child and girl

To  equally much as they tin can maybe,
And then turn around and spend it heedlessly.
We've created us a  mess
We  the money that we don't possess.
Our religion is to go and  information technology all,
Then information technology's shopping every Sun at the 
All we e'er want is more than,
A lot more than we had before
And then take me to the nearest shop.
Tin can you hear information technology ring?
It makes you want to sing,
It's such a beautiful thing – Ka-ching!
Lots of diamond rings,the happiness it brings,
yous'll live like a king,
with lots of coin and things.
When you're  go and go a ,
Take out another on your abode,
Consolidate so y'all can 
To go and spend some more than when you get bored

Grammar Study.

Pay attention to the following rules. Remember them.

Grammar Practice. Phrasal Verbs.

Complete the sentences with the word it in the correct place.

  1. Yous must be very hot with your coat on. Why don't you lot accept off ?
  2. Your shirt is filthy! But wait at !
  3. I oasis't read the newspaper all the same. Don't throw abroad .
  4. The music is likewise loud! Turn down !
  5. It'll be a corking political party! I'm really looking forward to .
  6. Is that story about Ali true, or did you make upwards ?
  7. I saw a lovely jumper today. I tried on but information technology was too pocket-sized.
  8. Don't drop your litter in the street! Pick up !
  9. You can infringe my photographic camera, but you must await later on .
  10. You can't have my lexicon. Give back to me!

Vocabulary Study.


What is the meaning of these words?

to be worth /wɜːθ/
to infringe
tin't beget /ə'fɔːd/
owe /əu/
have out
waste matter /weɪst/

Vocabulary Exercise. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the previous exercise in the correct tense.

1. My uncle died and left me £2000. I  £2000 from my uncle.
2. I put some coin bated every week for my next holiday. I  money every week.
3. I asked my brother to give me € 10 until next week. I  € 10 from him.
iv. My brother gave me € 10 until next calendar week. He  me € ten.
5. I ofttimes spend money on stupid things. I often  money.
6. I don't take enough money to purchase that automobile. I  to purchase that car.
seven. I had to pay the mechanic £ 100 to repair my automobile. The mechanic  me £ 100.
8. I went to cash machine and got € 200. I  € 200 from the greenbacks machine.
ix. I bought a book. It was $25. The book  (me) $25.
10. Jim gave me £ 100. I oasis't paid it back yet. I  Jim £ 100.
11. I bought some shares in British Telecom. I  some coin.
12. I work in a supermarket. They pay me € 2000 a calendar month. I  € 2000 a calendar month.
thirteen. I could sell my house for well-nigh € 200,000. My house  most € 200,000.

Grammar Exercise

Past Simple or Present Perfect?

Choose the all-time variant of reply

1. Linda _____ in Paris for the by 10 years.

 lived  has lived   was living

2.  David ____ for the exam, then he is going to get "A."

has read   read  reads

3. Anna, ___ reading the report yet?

did you  has you lot finished  does you stop

4. I would like to visit Italy. I ____ there.

never was  were  take never been

five. He ____ working for this organisation 2 years ago.

started   begun   has started

vi._____  met him before?

Have you ever    Was yous ever   Did you

vii. I ____ three books for my son.

bought   am buying   accept but bought

eight. I'm not hungry, I'm afraid. I ____

ate already   have already eaten  ate withal

ix. Where _____  your last vocations?

 did you spent  accept you spent  did you spend

x. When Claude was at school, she ____ to play saxophone.

 learnt has learnt was learning


Money Survey.

Answer these questions equally in the instance.


— Have yous ever wasted coin on something you've never used?
— Yes, I bought an exercise cycle.
— Why did yous buy it?


Have you e'er…?

— (waste) money on something you lot've never used
— (sell) anything on the Internet
— (lose) a credit menu or your wallet
— (save) for something for a long time
— (win) any coin (e.g. in a lottery)
— (be) robbed
— (lend) coin to someone who didn't pay yous  dorsum

Have you recently…?

— (purchase) anything on the Internet
— (be) to a mall or shopping centre
— (buy) anyone a present
— (utilize) a credit carte du jour
— (take) money out of a cash machine
— (borrow) money from someone in your family


 Watch the video and answer the questions.

  1. What problem is Helen talking about?
  2. Is Jane listening to Helen's issues?
  3. What sort of blow has Jane had?
  4. What happened to Beak?
  5. Did the story take a happy end?

[iceaccordion theme=»simple»] [accordionslide title=»THE Stop» ] Here you have some words and phrases from the video. Guess what they mean.
Accept it piece of cake
See you lot in a scrap
To accept up a guitar
Take last Tuesday
To turn up.
I've got to go.
Fuse box
Salve ANSWERS Meet Yous Shortly! [/accordionslide][/iceaccordion]

When Can I Take Baby Out of the House
