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What Can Do to Make Facebook Popular Again

Are you looking for piece of cake means to Revive Your Facebook Folio achieve, attention and appointment?

In this postal service I' ll share 10 Super Simple Ways to Revive Your Facebook Page…  with some strategies and so simple you can do them in seconds!

Facebook is hard these days.  For most small business owners information technology's frustrating, watching their marketing efforts result in diminishing reach and results.

But in that location are ways to revive and resuscitate your Facebook efforts.

Some of them take merely minutes to give y'all more than run a risk of getting more attention, reach and date.

Others accept longer… merely wouldn't you dive in and modify something up if you knew that a few minutes work on your page (or even a couple of hours) would event in some tangible results?

And then let's leap in and take a look at a few super simple changes and deportment you tin take that volition revive your Facebook Folio and lead to ameliorate results.

And remember, do what y'all can when you tin with the resource y'all have:  If you can exercise all of them, and then great.

If you can only manage one or two activities for at present, then start with that! I've listed them from the nigh unproblematic to more avant-garde, so you tin jump  in where you lot are comfortable!

x Quick & Easy Ideas to Revive Your Facebook Page

1   Pivot Your Latest Post to Your Timeline

Facebook gives you the option to "pin" one image to the top of your timeline.

If someone is on your page then this is the first paradigm they run into.

Now, of grade, nearly people volition come across your content out on the newsfeed, simply if someone does come to your page, wouldn't y'all want them to see what matters most, kickoff?

To practise this, just striking the drib down on the top right of your image and click "Pin to Meridian of Folio".

That's information technology!

Pin Your Facebook Image - Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

This takes (literally) a few seconds to practise.  It's not going to make a huge deviation all on its own just with other tweaks on this post, it tin help revive your Facbebook Page.

You tin also change information technology out regularly, so any fourth dimension you have a new weblog post or featured product or event… pin away!

ii   Change Out Your Facebook Page Timeline Image or Video

This is super simple but many businesses don't recollect to do it oft.

Add together this to your calendar:Change your timeline comprehend prototype every so often. Yous can likewise change your cover video.

Alter it up for events or launches or special offers, or maybe to innovate the team or to showcase a fan of the calendar week.

When you change your cover photo, Facebook will share the "alter" by pushing the cover photo out on the newsfeed of your fans. It'due south a unproblematic manner to get more achieve and attending.

My friend Kim Garst gets savvy with her promotions and will change out her timeline cover photograph to reflect what she is focusing on. In this case, it'south her Social Boom event.

Kim Garst changes out her Timeline Cover Photo Regularly for Events and Promotions - Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

It'south also important to recall to add a description to your cover timeline photograph with a link to your telephone call to activeness.

That way, when the epitome is shared to your fans, it has the link on the newsfeed equally well. Hither'south an example from Amy Porterfield for her promotion:

Add a description and link to your facebook timeline photo - Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

3   Use the Facebook Button

At that place is a button function below the timeline comprehend photo and you lot actually should take advantage of it.

You simply edit the push and add a link that you lot would like people to click through to.

Y'all can choose between Learn More, Sign Upwardly, Volume Services, Get in Touch, Brand a Buy/Donation or Download an App/Game.

In Kim's example higher up, her "Larn More" push button goes straight to a landing page for her event.

In my example below, my button leads to a landing page for my 3 part training series in visual content.

Hint:  If you lot want to cheque it out now, yous tin can too click on the prototype above to go correct to information technology!

Have advantage of all three ways to use the Facebook Timeline Cover Photograph:

  1. Change out your timeline encompass photograph/image.
  2. Add a clarification to your image with a clickable link.
  3. Add a call to activity ON the paradigm to click the button below.

Simple, hey?  It doesn't take long to add any or all of these features,  and so jump to information technology!  Revive your Facebook Page with a Facebook Slideshow Video.

4   Swap Out Your Featured Photos on Your Facebook Page

There is a subtle function that yous may have missed on your Facebook Page.

It'due south a simple "toggle" that allows y'all to feature the nearly popular vs the most recent images.

This may not seem like much but information technology tin can make a difference if at that place is something recent that you want to feature vs your most popular images.

To toggle betwixt these options, coil down on your Facebook Home Page and detect Photos.

Click the drib downward on the right hand side and choose from Most Recent or Most Popular content.

Most Recent Vs Most Popular Photos on Facebook - Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

Cull the option that suits you best!

Bank check this regularly to make sure it's on the setting that suits yous the most!

5   Swap out your featured Videos on Your Facebook Folio

Similarly, you can do the same matter with your videos on Facebook.

Roll down, detect the featured videos on your timeline, and choose Most Contempo or Featured from the driblet down card.

Choose Featured Videos on Facebook - Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

Neither 4 or v are big jobs or large decisions, only it's worth checking your images and videos from fourth dimension to time to see what is showing up as featured visuals.

You've got the choice most what is featured, then use it!

6  Invite People Who Engage with Your Page to Similar Your Page

This is a play a trick on I employ regularly just sparingly. It can significantly boost the people who like your page.

I say "sparingly" considering I am careful about which posts I use information technology for.

Here'southward what you need to know:

Once you postal service some content on Facebook, you will hopefully go some engagement.

You lot may exist surprised to know that some people may run across your mail service even if they are non fans of your page. They might engage with it as well and click "similar" or react to your postal service.

This may happen if a friend of theirs is a fan and that friend shares your post.  Sometimes your posts accomplish not-fans.

It tin can also happen subsequently you have boosted a post to not-fans or friends of fans of your page.

Give each post a petty fourth dimension to collect reactions, before you get started, and here is what yous do after y'all get some engagement (I commonly leave it a day or so):

  1. Click on the list of people who have reacted to or "liked" your mail.

Find the people who have reacted to your Facebook Post - Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

When yous click on that link on any post, a list will populate with all the people who have reacted to or liked the post.

Facebook will bear witness you lot 1 of the post-obit options side by side to each of the names:

  • LIKED – If they are already following your Facebook Page.
  • INVITE – If they take not yet liked your Facebook Folio (this is an option for you to Invite them)
  • Like – If they are reacting to/liking your folio as a business page you volition exist given the option to "like" their page.

You tin then choose to "INVITE" the people who have engaged with your page simply have not yet liked your folio:

Invite people who have engaged with your post to like your page - Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

Advice when using this function:

Now this might seem similar a swell way to abound your fan base but there are a few tips here that you should consider:

  1. Be wary of doing this for every postal service.  I tend to use this for posts that are purely nigh my content and about Socially Sorted. That way, the person liking my content is more than likely to want to like my page.
  2. Avoid doing it for curated content and other people'southward posts. I didn't write the content so I don't really want to invite people to similar my page off the back of that content. I may do it occasionally but usually I'll limit my "invites" to people who like Socially Sorted content about weblog posts etc.
  3. Take detect of whether you lot have invited people before. This tin be a fiddling hard to rails but use your gut instinct. I am not sure that Facebook is 100% correct with the list of who has liked/not liked my page.  It "may" sometimes include people who already like your page. I don't want to be harassing electric current fans,  so if a name seems familiar to me,  I tend not to invite them over and over.  Once is enough!

Regardless, when this is used well, this tip can be really useful for growing your "engaged" fans.

Call back, these people are already engaging with your content.  You WANT them to be fans!   … and more fans seeing your content is a great way to revive your Facebook Page.

7  Create a Facebook SlideShow

Trust me, this is one of the lesser known functions on Facebook yet information technology tin can bring some of the best means to chop-chop revive your Facebook Folio.

If you have existing image content that yous can repurpose, then mind upwardly, yous are going to LOVE this.

I wrote a full weblog post nigh Facebook SlideShow here. Be sure to read information technology.

Basically information technology's an easy fashion to take even so images and convert them into a short video – and it's all done from your Facebook Folio.

You only need to click on Share a Photo or Video on your folio:

Get started. Choose "Share a Photo or Video" - Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

Get started. Choose "Share a Photo or Video".

So choose "Create a Slideshow" and follow the instructions.

Choose Create Slideshow to create a Facebook SlideShow - Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

Choose "Create Slideshow"

With Facebook Slideshow it is super piece of cake to:

  • elevate and driblet images (between 3 and x) into the SlideShow Creator
  • add music from the selected soundtracks if you wish to include music
  • select your size for the final video (square, portrait, landscape)
  • select duration of slide transitions
  • select blazon of slide transitions.

Uploading images to create a Facebook Slideshow - Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

Upload your images in the order.

For a complete run through of Facebook SlideShow, click here.

Here's i I created:

Why Create a Facebook SlideShow?

Because the resulting content is a short video created with a Facebook tool and short video when posted on Facebook tin revive your Facebook Page… for sure!

Many businesses and brands are experiencing much higher rates of reach, comments and shares with video of any type on Facebook.

If you don't believe me that Facebook is favouring video content, then bank check out the next tip in #8, with a great example example for short video.

8   Mail More Brusque Video Content

The beauty of the Facebook Slideshow tool above is that you can create short video hands and apace.

Here are a few more easy-to-use tools to get you started and revive your Facebook Page with brusk video:

  1. Flipagram – combine photos in your camera or curt video snippets into a short video.
  2. Ripl App – easily take images, add text overlay and create a short slideshow or blithe image. Now on iOS and Android.
  3. Adobe Spark Post – create animated images using their mobile app.
  4. Legend App – combine photos and images into a short video with text overlay!
  5. Artisto App – looping videos with an artistic edge!
  6. Adobe Spark Video – platonic for longer video too (create videos like a pro with their templates). But you tin can use it to create short ones!
  7. Animoto – their desktop tool allows you to create awesome videos but check out their mobile app too!  This is a great tool for creating professional looking videos.

Yous can read more near some of these tools in this mail service.

And of grade Facebook Slideshow is a keen tool!

Amanda Smyth (blogger from Cooker and a Looker) created a quick slideshow to promote her latest blog post afterward I told her about the SlideShow tool.

Check information technology out. Warning, it's droolworthy:

Gauge what happened after Amanda posted this short video teaser on her Facebook Page?

With but 3500 fans on her folio, she concluded upward with:

  • Organic Accomplish of 38K
  • Unique Viewers: 15K
  • Click-throughs to the web log:  iii.3K
  • Interactions with the post: 682
  • Shares: 120

Pretty amazing, hey? Did you spot the about important stat out of all of those?

3.3k click-throughs to her weblog!

Hither'due south the mail if you lot feel similar an Aussie Carbohydrate Gear up (sorry to my Northern Hemisphere buddies, yous may have to substitute some local candy treasures to create your own Rocky Road care for!).

Similar I said, Facebook LOVES video. Any video will help to revive your Facebook Page.

If the idea of creating video freaks you out, exist certain to read this post, equally I have included a bunch of tips for creating short video if yous are camera-shy such as:

  • Flipping the camera away from y'all
  • Go along it brusk – employ the tools above!
  • Film someone else giving a testimonial about your business
  • Utilise your camera photo to combine images into a short video (using Flipagram above)
  • Give a super quick tip – on and off photographic camera in thirty seconds or less … up to a infinitesimal.  You'll be less anxious if you lot don't have to exist on camera for long.
  • Create 1:1 thank you videos
  • Find quondam footage on your phone and splice information technology into brusque video

Here'due south another post with some easy to use tools to create short video.

9   Postal service More than Visual Content

Hither are some stats for you:

  • 84% of all advice will be visual by 2018 (Reuters/Cisco, 2014)
  • Videos will brand upwardly 80% of all cyberspace by 2019 (Reuters/Cisco, 2014) – bold predictions, hey, but perhaps coming to fruition!
  • 74% of marketers use visual assets in their marketing alee of blogs (68%) and video (lx%) – 2016 Social Media Industry Report

As you tin see… visual content like images and video is non going away. Facebook knows this!  That's why information technology promotes video and images with greater attain.

Remember too, that people are non coming to Facebook to come across your latest content. They are coming to hang out with family unit and friends and exist inspired and entertained… and for some people, informed.

What practise your fans post on Facebook? They post a LOT of photos and videos.

So…post images as well!

A smashing tool for finding awesome visual content to share (or to requite yous ideas near what to create) is Post Planner.

Postal service Planner allows you to:

  • find the best content for your audition based on the manufacture, interests, keywords, hashtags or whatever social profile yous dearest.
  • have the guess piece of work out of knowing what content performs best. Share content that is proven to perform and create content based on what y'all know works.
  • easily organise streams of content to share from.
  • post your content co-ordinate to PostPlanner's "perfect" posting times and recycle posts easily to salvage fourth dimension.

Here's an example of my Influencer feed on Post Planner. I can easily find images and quotes to share from people who

(a) I desire to support and

(b) who create content my audience will resonate with.

Post Planner shows you lot the posts in order of their engagement:

Post Planner Content Streams help you to find and share great content - Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

It's more of import than e'er to post content that is native to the platform yous are on.   Don't just promote or provide industry-only content. Co-operative out a bit and accept some fun.

Your images should exist one or more than of the post-obit to grab attention and encouarge engagment on Facebook:

ane  Original – we dear new things that we oasis't seen before. If you create your own content you are already ahead on this forepart!

two  Timely – respond quickly to electric current events or program ahead to post about celebrations or events.

iii  Relevant – what are your fans interested in and what they post about. Post that kind of native content (don't just postal service about your business, products or services).

4Snackable – your fans are most likely scrolling while on the Goggle box or apace checking Facebook. Humorous, fun, entertaining or inspiring images work in with this! Give them easily digstible content.

5 Actionable– if relevant to your fans, give them a call to action – to like, comment, reply and engage… this helps build engagement and reach on you page.

Check out this mail service for a walk-through of each type of content.

Add more images to your Facebook mix and you'll be on the fast track to revive your Facebook Page.

10   Become Live on Your Facebook Page

Now that Facebook Live is available from Desktop equally well as Mobile, information technology's even easier to get live!

Go Live on Facebook from Desktop - Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

Facebook loves video specially live video so if you tin can add Facebook live to the mix then it can but assistance to revive your Facebook Page.

If you are merely starting out with live video then start slow. Here's some tips to go you started:

  1. Create an Interesting championship for your live video (you will be given the pick earlier you go alive)
  2. Keep it Short to Get-go With – don't try and make full 30 minutes. Just go alive and announce something or give a quick tip. Get a feel for how things work. You tin ever practise some other one later.
  3. Gear up – Write downwards two or 3 key points that you desire to address.  Having a reference list will assist you to stay on track. Also write downwards whatsoever call to action yous want to address at the terminate and then yous don't forget!
  4. Be Prepared for the lag – Introduce yourself and your topic while people come on to the circulate. Expect at that place will be a filibuster.
  5. Welcome People – Take fourth dimension to welcome people but don't take as well long.   Be enlightened of the need to focus on the content you wish to evangelize.  Avoid stopping all the time to comment on the comments.  Evangelize what you lot want to say then terminate and address comments.
  6. Share your broadcast out on your page and ask your fans to share the circulate.
  7. Involve Your Fans – Inquire questions and involve them.   if you are not sure what to broadcast near, a great fashion to do Facebook Alive is to do a Q&A session.  Have a couple of questions ready that you can answer in instance people are slow to come on the call or if you lot take simply 1 or two people join. It'southward a adept way to exercise fifty-fifty with merely a few people watching.

The best part about Facebook Live is that Facebook will push your feed out to your fans for free.

Build up to doing longer Facebook Alive broadcasts as you become more attain the longer y'all stay alive!

Bonus Tips

There are dozens more things you can practise to Revive Your Facebook Folio but these ten volition get y'all started. First out easy with the quick tweaks and so move up to the content creation for images and video and live video.

Here's a few tips that you can dip into if you desire to take information technology farther!

  1. Curate more content – share content that is already existence shared well on other pages that your audience would resonate with.   It will share well for yous too resulting in more reach for when you practice post your own original content.
  2. Check your insights – bank check the times of the day when your fans are online. Schedule your images or short video to exist posted at those times and revive your Facebook Folio with engaging content posted at the optimal fourth dimension for engagement!
  3. Don't Ignore Facebook Ads – consider boosting content that is already getting some engagement. It's likely to become more reach.  With Facebook reach declining, information technology'southward most likely fourth dimension you need to consider looking at paid social to complement your organic posting.  They work paw in hand.
  4. Read this Post for more tips nigh how to revive your Facebook Folio!

Over to You

Is your Facebook Page in need of some revival? What tips volition you lot start using? If you are getting great results, share what is working beneath!

The following ii tabs change content beneath.

Donna is a Visual Content Strategist and founder of Socially Sorted, listed past Forbes as a "Top 5 Social Media Weblog Yous Need to Know Near". Donna helps brands leverage the power of visual storytelling and content strategy in their concern. Her content has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Inc. & Entrepreneur and she is a speaker and trainer on visual content for the marketing and tourism industries internationally.

Revive Your Facebook Page - 10 quick and easy ideas for more reach and engagement

What Can Do to Make Facebook Popular Again
