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Draw Tv on Bike Box

    On this page:

  • Protected Bicycle Lane Intersection Design
  • One Way Protected Bike Lane Mixing Zone
  • 1 Way Protected Bike Lane Transition to Wheel Lane or Shared Lane
  • One Mode Protected Bike Lane Intersection Design
  • Protected Bike Lanes and Downhill Descents
  • In Street Small Separation Intersection Approaches
  • Supporting Intersection Treatments for Bicycle Facilities
  • Cycle Box
  • Median Diverter Isle and Standard Median or Crossing Islands
  • Outset Street Connection
  • Adjourn Bulbs
  • Cantankerous Bicycle Intersection Markings

Blueprint Guidance

Conflicts betwixt bicyclists and pedestrians and motorists can be reduced using geometric design and/or signal phasing.

Geometric design: Conflict locations should be separated so travelers are only required to negotiate i potential conflict at a time including potential conflicts betwixt bicyclists and pedestrians. Where feasible, designs should provide:

  • Continuous separation to the cross street between bicyclists, motorists, and pedestrians.
  • Infinite for motor vehicle to wait out of the flow of traffic while yielding to bicycles at turning conflicts.
  • A crossing expanse for bicyclists that is separated from the pedestrian crosswalk.
  • Separate space for queuing and turning bicycles.

The design of intersections should ensure visibility between budgeted and departing motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. All people should be provided visual cues that conspicuously bespeak right-of-mode priority and expected yielding behavior. The following strategies can be used to attain this:

Stopping sight distance: When designing protected bicycle facilities, stopping sight distances at intersections and driveways should exist reviewed to maximize visibility of bicyclists and reduce conflicts betwixt all travel modes. Sight and stopping altitude calculations may vary based on the characteristics and constraints of each intersection. The standard stopping sight altitude should exist used from the following tabular array:

Class Stopping Sight Distance
Flat (0%) 90 ft
Steeper slopes (≥5%)  125 ft

Tabular array assumes 17 mph design speed and 1.0 seconds of reaction time.

Parking restrictions: For locations where protected bicycle lanes are located adjacent to the travel lane and on street parking is adjacent to the mural/furniture zone, parking should be restricted a minimum of 20 anxiety from a marked or unmarked crosswalk at intersections. At locations where turning speeds are higher, additional restrictions may exist needed based on site specific geometric or operational characteristics.

Clearly delineate crossings: Marked crossings should point the preferred crossing location for bicyclists and pedestrians across all potential conflict points. Details of crossing markings are provided in the Cantankerous Bicycle Intersection Markings department.

Clearly indicate right-of-way priority: Signs and markings should reinforce correct yielding behaviors.

Provide yielding geometry: Intersection geometry should not crave people to turn their head more than 90 degrees to see a potential conflict. The angle of conflict between through moving bicyclists and turning traffic should be between 60 and 90 degrees. This may be accomplished by providing a lateral beginning between the vehicle lane and wheel crossing.

Reduce speeds at disharmonize points: Reducing motorist turning speeds improves the power of motorists to appropriately yield to bicyclists, which is specially important at street intersections, driveways and alleys. Likewise, information technology is beneficial to slow the speed of approaching bicyclists to ensure turning motorists have time to see and react to them prior to the conflict point. Lower speeds reduce stopping sight distance requirements and reduce severity of injuries in the event a crash occurs. Speed reduction is achieved primarily through horizontal and vertical deflection, which may also be supplemented with pavement markings and signage.

Vertical deflection: Raised crossings can slow turning motor vehicles and budgeted bicyclists on the approach.

Signal phasing: A protected bicycle phase may be used to separate bicycle and vehicle movements. A bike signal phase is typically applied where achieving desirable yielding behavior is challenging due to geometric or operating conditions including sight lines, vehicle volumes and speeds, bicyclist delay, and PBL operations (e.g. 2-way vs. 1-way) amidst others.

Driveway approaches: at driveway crossings with 5 or more housing units and commercial buildings, a light-green panel shall be painted for a PBL crossing a driveway shown above in Figure AO. At certain loftier volume driveways information technology is beneficial to include raised crossings to provide additional awareness of the crossing for both people on bikes and people in vehicles. If a raised crossing is used, the raised crossing should include markings and ramps.

Protected Bicycle Lane Intersection Design

A cardinal reason for extending protected bike lanes to the intersection is to reduce the number of conflict points between bicyclists and motorists at intersections. On roadways with traditional bicycle lanes or shared lanes, bicyclists frequently must merge, weave and otherwise cross paths with motor vehicles that are traveling at a greater speed. These maneuvers are uncomfortable for virtually bicyclists due to the combination of the speed differential and bicyclists exposure. In contrast, protected cycle lanes at intersections reduce bicyclist exposure by reducing multiple merging and crossing movements to a single anticipated crossing point.

One Way Protected Bike Lane Mixing Zone

Protected bike lanes may include a bike lane mixing zone. As a strategy to manage conflicts betwixt turning motorists and through moving bicyclists, the protected bike lane may transition to a mixing zone prior to the intersection. A mixing zone requires motorists to yield to approaching bicyclists from a protected bike lane at a bars merge location in advance of the intersection.

Design Standards

  • The merge location should be located a minimum 30 anxiety in advance of the intersection. Parking should be prohibited 10 feet minimum in advance of the beginning of the motor vehicle taper.
  • The mixing zone should be demarcated with striping to develop the turn lane and a yield line to delineate the location where the motor vehicle must yield to approaching bicyclists. The yield line should exist supplemented with a Begin RIGHT Plow LANE YIELD TO BIKES sign (R4-4).
  • At locations where raised protected wheel lanes are approaching the intersection, the cycle lane should transition to roadway meridian at the point where parking terminates. The ramps should exist limited to a maximum gradient of 1:x.

Blueprint Guidance

  • A cycle lane may exist adult on the left side of the turn lane after the merge or the lane may remain shared betwixt bicyclists and motorists.
  • Dark-green pavement markings may be used to improve positioning of bicyclists and motorists.
  • A mixing zone is not appropriate for two-manner protected bike lanes.

Ane Way Protected Cycle Lane Transition to Bike Lane or Shared Lane

Where i-mode protected bike lanes must terminate prior to an intersection to provide additional capacity for motorists or equally a strategy to mitigate conflicts between turning motorists and through moving bicyclists, the protected bike lane may transition to a standard bicycle lane or shared lane prior to the intersection. The transition occurs by terminating the vertical protection in advance of the intersection to develop a separate bicycle lane and turn lane, or a shared plough lane. This treatment is appropriate where there is no on-street parking adjacent to the terminating protected bike lane facility.

Design Standards

  • The protected bike lane should terminate as close to the intersection and provide as small of a merging area as feasible.
  • Approaching the intersection, the protected cycle lane should taper towards the motorist vehicle lane to create a merge expanse parallel to the vehicle lane. The point of termination will be determined by the necessary lengths of the turn lane and merge expanse.
  • The length of the merge area should be 60' for roads with a posted speed of ≤30mph or xc' for roads with a posted speed >30mph to provide a clearly defined merge area.
  • A BEGIN Right (or LEFT) Plow LANE BEGINS (R4-4) YIELD TO BIKES sign should be located at the beginning of the merge area. The merge area may be highlighted with green pavement markings between the dotted line markings.

One Way Protected Bike Lane Intersection Design

When protected cycle lanes cross, and then intersection design should be similar to Figure AQR. By extending protected bike lanes to the intersection, the number of disharmonize points betwixt bicyclist and motorists can be reduced using geometric design and/or signal phasing.

Design should provide:

  • Continuous separation to the cross street betwixt bicyclists, motorists, and pedestrians
  • Infinite for motor vehicles to wait out of the flow of traffic while yielding to bicycles at turning conflicts
  • A crossing area for bicyclists that is separated from the pedestrian crosswalk
  • Separate space for queuing and turning bicycles

Sidewalk level PBLs should drop to street level upon approach to the intersection to better differentiate pedestrian and bicycle space.

Photo of protected bicycle lane on Yesler drops down to street level at the intersection.

If at that place is a pedestrian refuge island betwixt the bike lane and the car lane and then the refuge isle must exist at least 8′ and include accessible pedestrian button buttons and detectable warning surfaces to betoken the edge of the travel lane. The buffer betwixt the wheel lane and the travel lane is a minimum of ii anxiety.

Protected Bike Lanes and Downhill Descents

On streets with steeper grades (greater than approximately 5%) some bicyclists traveling in the downhill direction will be comfortable traveling at speeds well above their typical level-terrain average. On some streets this speed may arroyo the speed of motor vehicles in the general purpose lanes. Although a protected cycle lane provides a higher level of separation from motorized traffic, and therefore improved comfort and prophylactic, the pattern of a protected bicycle lane may also create challenges for higher-speed bicyclists to pass slower bicycle traffic within the protected bike lane. If space allows it, a 6.v' bike lane is recommended.

Shared lane markings should be included in the full general purpose lane to alarm motorized traffic to the potential presence of bicycles; the locations of the share lane marking should be designed to directly higher-speed bicyclists along a path that provides adequate sight altitude for both the bicyclists and crossing traffic, and also encourages the bicyclist to stay at a distance that reduces conflict with parked cars, where present.

In-Street Small Separation Intersection Approaches

Through Bicycle Lanes Adjacent to Turn Only Lanes

A wheel lane located to the left of right turning lanes or the right of left turning lanes.

Pattern Standards

  • At locations where a separate bicycle lane is located adjacent to a turn lane, the cycle lane should exist continued to the intersection. This will crave the bicycle lane transition to the left of the right-turn only lane or to the correct of a left turn only lane within a merging area. The length of the merging area should be minimized to the greatest extent feasible.
  • A "Begin Correct Turn Lane/Yield to Bikes" sign (R4-iv) is recommended at the beginning of the merge expanse. A "Correct (or Left) Lane Must Plough Right (or Left)" sign (R3-7R) should be located adjacent to the plow lane per the MUTCD.

Design Guidance

  • Green markings inside the merge area and the bicycle through lane may increase visibility and sensation.

Combined Bike Lane/Turn Lane

A bicycle lane located within the inside portion of a turn-only lane to guide bicyclists to the intersection and improve positioning of motorists inside the turn lane.

Design Standards

  • For right plow lanes that are 13 to 14 feet in width a bike lane should exist marked with skipped striping inside the combined lane at a minimum width of 4 feet.
  • An "EXCEPT BIKES" plaque should be posted below any mandatory turn lane signs to let through travel by bicycles.
  • A Brainstorm Correct (or LEFT) Turn LANE BEGINS (R4-iv) YIELD TO BIKES sign should exist located at the beginning of the merge area.

Blueprint Guidance

  • Skipped green markings may be used to define the cycle lane within the turn lane.
  • A greenish cross bike treatment can exist added based on applied science judgment.

Shared Bicycle Turn Lane

The placement of shared lane markings within the inside portion of a turn-only lane to guide bicyclists to the intersection and meliorate positioning of motorists within the turn lane. A shared turn lane allows bicyclists to travel through a plough lane past providing an exception to mandatory plow requirements for bicyclists.

Pattern Standards

  • For correct plough lanes which are less than 13 feet, shared lane markings should exist placed inside the center or left hand portion of the turn lane.
  • An "EXCEPT BIKES" plaque should be posted beneath any mandatory plough lane signs to let through travel past bicycles.
  • A Begin Right (or LEFT) Plow LANE BEGINS (R4-4) YIELD TO BIKES sign should be located at the showtime of the merge area.

Blueprint Guidance

  • Shared lane markings may exist placed on dark-green pavement markings to further raise motorist awareness of the shared lane.

Supporting Intersection Treatments for Bicycle Facilities

Bicycle Detection

Bike detection at actuated traffic signals may exist achieved by passive detection strategies such as magnetic loops inside the pavement, video, infrared, or microwave technologies. Transmission detection may exist provided through provision of a push button located on a pole, although the location must ensure easy access for bicycle riders to bush buttons at the curb.

Blueprint Standards

Magnetic Loop Signal detection sensitivity: Loop detector systems, and any other detection organisation employed such as camera-based motility detection systems, must be sensitive enough to recognize bicycles or bicyclists. These systems should also accommodate the trend in bicycle technology which is resulting in bicycles existence manufactured with decreasing amounts of metal.

Pavement markings for loop detector systems: As required by State law, RCW 47.36.025, with new construction or upgrade of detection equipment; bicycle loop detector systems should exist accompanied by pavement markings that bespeak the location where a bicycle should be located to maximize its disruption of the inductance field. Specifications for this pavement mark are illustrated in Standard Plan 772. Pavement markings may be supplemented with an R10-22 sign.

Push button Button Actuation Arrangement: Where it is determined passive detection is not feasible, a push button may exist mounted on a pole. It shall be placed so that bicyclists can reach it while remaining mounted from within the bicycle facility. The push button should exist supplemented with an R10-24 sign.


Bicycle Indicate

A traffic betoken which displays bicycle signal faces intended to provide guidance to bicyclists.

Pattern Standards

  • Bicycle signal heads shall exist placed in a location clearly visible to oncoming bicyclists.
  • If the bicycle phase is not set to think each cycle, passive actuation of bicycle signal is the preferred treatment.
  • If the bicycle signal is used to divide through bicycle movements from correct turning vehicles, and so right plow on red shall exist prohibited when the cycle signal is active. In improver to appropriate regulatory signage, directional plough arrows or an active display should be used to emphasize this brake.

Pattern Guidance

  • Bicycle signals should be used to mitigate identified condom or operational problems involving bicycle facilities.
  • In a close network of signals, the timing should consider how oftentimes a bicyclist will be stopped in the system to ensure that undue delay is not a upshot of the bicycle-only signal.
  • For improved visibility, near-sided bike signals may exist used to supplement far-side signals.

Leading Cycle Interval

A bicycle signal displays a green for a minimum of 3 seconds before adjacent motor vehicle traffic gets a light-green signal. Early display gives bicycles a head beginning to increase visibility and compliance by drivers. A leading bicycle interval may exist provided in conjunction with a leading pedestrian interval.

Design Standards

The leading wheel interval should provide a three second minimum crossing advance while conflicting turning movements are held. The timing should be based on the travel speed of bicyclists and the crossing distance – the width of at least i travel lane – and may be up to 6 seconds. LBIs should include "No Plough on Red" restrictions (MUTCD R10-11) and an active display to emphasize this restriction.

Green Wave Signal Timing

Allows for continuous flow of bicycle traffic over long distances. For use on arterial and collector streets with high bike volumes and through movements.

Design Standards

Grade must be considered. Bespeak bicycle lengths may demand to be revised. Signs should be used to indicate coordinated signal timing ("Green Wave") and target speed.

Pattern Guidance

The target speed should consider the average speed of bicyclists within the corridor. On level terrain, bicyclists volition typically range between eight and 25 mph with casual and less confident cyclists operating on the lower end of the range.

Half Signal

Point that controls traffic on the main arterial at an intersection to allow bike and pedestrian crossings. Motorists on the side streets are end controlled.

Blueprint Standards

Look time for pedestrians after actuation should exist preferably be nether xxx seconds and no more than sixty seconds. The minimum walk fourth dimension must be timed for pedestrian crossing speed of 3.5 feet/sec and include Accessible Pedestrian Signal locater tones to inform visually impaired that actuation is required and to bespeak onset of WALK phase.

Design Guidance

Bicycle signals should exist provided at locations where the visibility of the pedestrian signal face up is limited from the location where the bicyclist actuates the signal. Passive bicyclist actuation is preferred, or a push push attainable from the street should be provided.

All-way Green for Bicycles and Pedestrians (aka sectional pedestrian stage)

Bikes and pedestrians may cross the intersection in whatsoever direction during their own signal phase. Bicyclists must move slowly and yield to pedestrians.

Pattern Standards

Utilize three.5 feet per second for pedestrian travel time for determining timing and use crossing distance on the diagonal. Works best at intersections with brusque crossing distances.

No Turn On Red

Restricts motor vehicles from turning on red, reducing conflicts with bikes and pedestrians. At intersections with bicycle-specific movements, high pedestrian volumes, geometric or sight distance challenges, loftier incidence of turning conflicts, all-way green for bicycles and pedestrians.

Design Standards

The restriction requires posting of the R10-11 sign. The decision to restrict right turns on red is made on a case by case ground, but typically practical at intersections with under 300 motor vehicle right turns per hour where there are bicycle-specific movements or geometric or sight altitude challenges. An active display should be used to emphasize this restriction where there are bicycle-specific movements.

Active Warning Beacon, including Rectangular Rapid Wink Beacons (RRFBs)

Alarm buoy actively or passively activated to alarm motorists to bicycle and pedestrian crossing the street on higher volume, college speed roadways where a pedestrian signal is non recommended. See the Intelligent Transportation Systems section for more than information on beacons.

Pattern Standards

Must be compliant with FHWA letter for implementation considerations. Must be used in conjunction with warning signs (W11-15, S1). Install on the side of the road and in median, if present. Beacon must exist need-actuated, i.eastward., remains unlit when not in utilise.

RRFBs may be used on four-lane streets only when crossing island is nowadays and posted speeds are 35 MPH or lower. Advanced stop confined should be used on streets with multiple lanes in one or both directions in order to provide adjacent motorists a clear view of the full crossing when another vehicle is already stopped.

Where installed on a Neighborhood Greenway provide alternating activation options, for instance push buttons should be installed at the curb to allow bicyclists to actuate the beacon.

Blueprint Guidance

Beacons may be included on center islands to further increment yielding behavior.

Consider alternate activation options like passive activation at other locations like school crossings.

Wheel Box

A designated area at the head of a traffic lane at a signalized intersection. A bicycle box provides a head get-go at the onset of green, reducing the potential for right hook collisions.

Design Standards

  • Wheel box should exist 10 anxiety minimum depth, and the full width of cycle lane (if present) and adjacent general purpose travel lane together.
  • Bike boxes may extend across a left-plough lane lane to facilitate bike left turn movements, only generally should not be extended across more than one through lane.
  • Must include finish lines for motor vehicles behind the bicycle box and include "Cease Here on Scarlet" sign (R10-6A)
  • Pavement markings within box are advisable. "No Turn on Ruby-red" restrictions (R10-11) are mandatory.
  • Dark-green pavement markings shall be used within the bike box and the first 25-50 anxiety of the lead-in approach/ingress lane to enhance visibility.

Pattern Guidance

  • The bicycle box should exist located to minimize the likelihood of motor vehicle encroachment from turning vehicles. This may crave the cease line be recessed farther from the crosswalk in some locations.

Two-stage Turn Queue Box

 A ii-phase turn queue box designates a infinite for bicyclists to wait while performing a two-stage turn across a street at an intersection.

Pattern Standards

The queuing area should be placed to provide skillful visibility (see Pattern Guidance at top of page for stopping site distance equation) of bicyclists past motorists. 2-stage turn queue box dimensions and placement will vary based on the roadway operating weather condition, the presence or absence of a parking lane, the blazon of cycle facilities present, traffic volumes and speeds and bachelor roadway space.

The box should consist of a dark-green box outlined with solid white lines supplemented with a bicycle symbol. A plough arrow should exist used to emphasize the crossing direction.

The queuing expanse should be 4 to viii feet deep (measured in the longitudinal direction of bicycles waiting in the box). Deeper queuing areas allow for longer bikes to queue without encroaching into the crosswalk or crossbike. The width of the box should be viii to 10 anxiety.

The turn box may exist placed in a variety of locations, but must be in a protected surface area, out of the stream of traffic (east.g. at the tail end of a parking lane or a median island). The turn box should be placed on the intersection side of a crosswalk to eliminate potential conflicts with pedestrians in the crossing. At T- or off-set intersections a plough queue box may exist placed in a "jug-handle" configuration within a sidewalk or inside the parking lane. Dashed wheel lane extension markings may be used to indicate the path of travel across the intersection. "No Turn on Red" (R10-eleven) restrictions should be used to prevent vehicles from inbound the queuing area.

Cantankerous Bicycle Intersection Markings ("cross bikes")

Cycle lane extension markings through an intersection. The extensions increase awareness of bicyclists to motorists and guides bicyclists on a direct path through the intersection. Cross bikes can too be used at locations where off-street pathways cross roads, specially in locations that include separate parallel pedestrian facilities with pedestrian crosswalks.

Installation of crossbikes for united nations-buffered bike lanes will be based on the following factors when two or more of these factors indicate that a crossbike may be advisable:

  • Turning volumes across the cycle lane
  • Pedestrian volumes parallel to cycle lane (meridian 60 minutes)
  • Collision history
  • Downhill class v% grade or multi-block approach at >3%
  • Sight distance

Design Standards

  • Cross bicycle intersection markings, aka "cross bikes" may be marked with dotted cycle lane line extensions.
  • A i way crossing should be 5 feet minimum width; two-style x feet minimum width. Dotted line extensions may be supplemented with bicycle lane symbols or green pavement markings.
  • Markings should be 2 feet in depth (direction of bike travel). The gap or spacing betwixt markings should match side by side crosswalk markings. Where at that place is not an side by side marked crosswalk markings should be spaced with a three foot gap.

Design Guidance

  • Placement of bike lane markings should factor in paths of crossing motor vehicle wheels to minimize wear.
  • Intersection crossing markings are particularly useful where the wheel travel path through the intersection is unusual ( thousand. diagonal crossing or from an off-street facility) or needed to dissever conflicts.

Median Diverter Island and Standard Median or Crossing Islands

Protected spaces in the center of the street to facilitate bike and pedestrian crossings; may also divert vehicular traffic past preventing through movement. Bikes and pedestrians can navigate one direction of traffic at a time.

Design Standards

  • Islands should be 8 to 10 feet wide to accommodate multiple users, bicycles with trailers, etc.
  • Minimum isle width is six feet.
  • The length of islands may vary.
  • A cut-through blueprint is preferred over curb ramps. Minimum cutting-through width is six feet; the desirable width is the width of the crosswalk.
  • Detectable warnings should exist used on each approach to the roadway.
  • If the width of an private cut-through is 8 feet or greater, a flexible post should be placed in the center of the cutting-through in order to prevent motor vehicles from using the cut-through. The flexible post should meet the standards outlined above.

Design Guidance

Islands may comprise landscaping, but it must not exceed 24 inches in top at full maturity then as not to touch visibility. At uncontrolled intersections and midblock crossings, boosted crossing treatments are recommended.

Locations where trucks, buses or emergency response vehicles are frequent may crave a modified isle pattern or not be appropriate for this treatment.

Curb Bulbs

Help position bicyclists closer to the cross street centerline to improve visibility and encourage motorists to yield to pedestrians. See the Pedestrian Crossing section for additional design guidance for curb bulbs.

Design Standards

  • Preferred width 6 feet where parking lanes are present.
  • It is desirable to maintain bike lane width through the curb bulb area. The gutter line of curb seedling shall not be factored into bike lane width.
  • Curb bulb placement shall not preclude planned bicycle facilities. See the Planning Analysis Coordination Tool (PACT) to track projects in the right-of-way.

Offset Street Connexion

Offset streets can exist challenging for bicyclists to navigate. Mutual configurations include bicycle lane kickoff street connection, cycle rail offset street connection, cycle eye turn lane, or two-stage boxes.

Design Guidance

Blueprint will be context dependent and will vary significantly depending on the direction of showtime. Consider wayfinding, turn lanes or pavement markings to ameliorate bicycle connections.

On streets with heavier volumes and college speeds, blueprint treatments may include two-stage left turn boxes (for beginning streets to the right of 1 another), placed in the through-street parking lane, along with a cross walk or crossing island. Other options include a pair of ane-way protected wheel lanes, or a 2-way protected bike lane, crossing isle, and contra-menstruation cycle lanes.

For signalized offset streets to the left of one another, dedicated bicycle left turn lanes on the start streets may be appropriate. In this case an LBI indicate phase should be considered to allow the left-turning bicyclists to movement to the right side of the through street as function of their left-turn maneuver.

The selection of treatment should also consider the neighboring country uses which might facilitate a predominant blazon of bicyclist that volition utilise the intersection. Accept into account the condolement level of maneuvering in the roadway and the amount of filibuster the handling imposes on bicyclists.
